ia play

the good life in a digital age

my homepage modules wishlist

I’m very happy with our customisable homepage. There’s no sport anymore for me, weather has top billing, and science & history get more space than they used to. Wimbledon was a useful addition over the last fortnight.

What I want from future releases is:

  • A food box with a recipe search + the latest recipes + any reasons to celebrate with food that day.
  • The week on TV at 9 o’clock at glance. That’s the only time I really watch much so it would be good to see it all in one go. And I’ve only BBC1 & 2 anyway.
  • Gardening box with plant(s) of the day. Big shiny flower pictures, perhaps of something good to plant now and something that’s looking good right now .

But as we’re all about user centred design (well, most of the time!) my particular wants won’t decide what we get.

Written by Karen

July 7th, 2008 at 6:55 pm

Posted in bbc