SharePoint teamsites
We’re working on SharePoint teamsite requirements today. Team-sites are permission controlled “collaboration spaces”.
We’re using them for three types of teams:
- formal organisational teams i.e. teams that share a line manager
- project teams, that might be within an organisational team or cross-team
- network teams, for communities of practice
Because of the accessibility changes required, all functionality requires development so it isn’t the case that we can just stick functionality in and see if people use it.
We’re planning to include content pages, document libraries, search functionality, discussion boards, lists and alerts. We’re not including calenders, wikis and blogs. With calenders we don’t think they’re particularly useful when they don’t integrate elegantly with Outlook- we’re told you can’t send an Outlook appointment to a SharePoint calendar. Wikis are not widely used within the organisation and would require an awareness/training effort so they’re out for now. Blogs are similarly not a common tool at present, and I don’t buy the scenario of blogging for a very limited team audience.